10 April 2009

phew that was close.

hey mamas. 
i forgot about this because of not having the interwebs anymore. they are expensive! al gore may have invented them but he certainly did not try to make them cheap. 

my besty laurel belle reminded me about my blog because she has the best one about the resesh. she's a reseshinista - a read that in the redeye. 

raul is in cali have the best time with my family, while i'm here with lisa and kelly bean. that's not bad - in fact it's extra great because i had salmon last night, something raul would rather die than be in the same room with. 

i was very excited to see mates of state tomorrow  but it's sold out. l and k have a roomate named robyn and she's in the music bizz but can for some reason not get us tickets to the show. sadly, her job is useless to me. but she is very nice and got a cool haircut at fringe yesterday which inspired me to go get one today. 

my plans today are:
get haircut
get raul's paycheck at the scary sears tower - i'm scared!
go to the movies with scott 
good friday service with the gals
something fabulous.
i'm buying eggs for dying tomorrow. 

easter is my favourite holiday - why can't i ever be with my fam on easter?! 

it is raining today but tomorrow promises sun. i hope. i just bought a skirt with an apron attached so it had pockets. hot damn. 

love you a million,
